Reflection Now Is the Day of Salvation
Ash Wednesday
When first asked by the editors at the National Catholic
Reporter to write a Lenten series, I asked myself, What does an
81-year-old Brazilian cardinal, retired archbishop of São Paulo, have to
say to a Christian community he has only visited occasionally?
Then my heart answered my head! I could feel how much I wanted to
speak out in favor of peace, of the poor, and against violence and a certain
type of globalization. I wanted to make an appeal for a new ecumenical
dialogue. But, above all, I wanted to be a voice in favor of hope. Without hope
we have no chance of avoiding war and violence. Without hope we become
fatalists and close our minds and our hearts to the possibility of change or of
The liturgical readings for Ash Wednesday are a great help to
those of us who want to grow in hope during this Lent. The most important
reason for having hope is the great love that God has for us. The prophet Joel
tells us that the Lord is gracious and compassionate, abounding in love. Psalm
51 insists on the same theme. Gods love is unfailing and his compassion
is great.
This undying love for his
people is an invitation to change on our part. Psalm 51 beseeches the Lord to
create in us a pure heart and to renew in us a steadfast spirit. Joel asks us
to return to God with all our heart so that he will have pity on his people in
the midst of the nations.
St. Paul tells us that there is no time to waste: I tell
you, now is the time of Gods grace! Now is the day of salvation!
The gospel, however, has an important warning for us. The secret sin of
religious people is hypocrisy: to do the right thing for the wrong reason, to
become defenders of peace and justice because of vanity.
We like to say in Brazil, Your head thinks from the spot
where you put your feet. We live in a Third World country; you live in
the richest and the most powerful country in the world. With all the good will
and intelligence we might have in the South and in the North of this
hemisphere, our feet are solidly planted in different realities and we do not
see things in the same way.
Brazil is the size of the continental United States, plus another
Texas. It has a population of over 176 million people. My city, São
Paulo, is larger than any urban center in the United States. Over 52 million
people voted for our new president, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva. He
received 61 percent of all valid votes. On the day after the election your
former secretary of the treasury, Paul ONeill, said that our
president has to prove to the market that he is not crazy!
You may feel indignation for what was said. But it would be
difficult for me to express how our people felt when they heard this on TV or
read it in the newspapers. I have read many articles in the last year that ask,
Why does the world hate the United States?
The answers are all very different, but one underlying fact is
that we -- the rest of the world -- feel that the government of your country
despises us. In a television interview we heard a sociologist in Washington,
D.C., declare that the Bush government is telling the world, Our way or
the highway!
We know that those who read the National Catholic Reporter
do not think this way. But the grace God gives to his people every year during
Lent is the possibility of an even deeper conversion to him and to others. We
in Latin America have to free ourselves of many of the prejudices we have in
relation to you. And you have to put your feet where we are so that
when we unite to search for alternatives for our world, we do it as brothers
and sisters, as equals who have the same Father, and without any hint of
On March 8, just before the
First Sunday of Lent, the world celebrates International Womens Day. This
date was established in 1910. It was chosen because on March 8, 1857, women
working in a clothing factory in New York went on strike for better working
conditions and the right to vote. Many were killed.
For us, in the South, this struggle of the women is related to our
understanding of the Statue of Liberty. Both are symbols of what we want the
United States to be for the world. The statue that stands in New York harbor
represents the people of the United States who, with open arms, look at the
world with generosity and hope.
The women of New York who went on strike for better working
conditions and the right to a more democratic society have much meaning for us.
Over 100 years ago, these workers had the courage to unite against powerful
economic and social injustice.
In 1857 the United States was not a world power. These women still
worked in the so-called sweatshops. Today, 48 percent of the
worlds most important companies and banks are owned by the United States.
Of the 10 principal companies in the world, your country owns 90 percent.
No country in the Third World
can have commercial freedom to act because the United States and the European
Union control the international markets. Even Japan has only 10 percent of this
financial pie.
This situation is not good for the world or for the people of the
United States. If the international economic house falls down, and many
specialists think it is only a question of when, this concentration of
wealth will have tragic consequences for the people of the United States and
for the world.
This year the Lenten season poses an appeal for conversion and for
reconciliation with our merciful and compassionate God. We live in a worldwide
system of economic injustice. Before this decade of the new millennium is over,
the opposition to this system will be ever more intense. Where will we be as
people of God? Will we be defending the cause of the poor in the United States
and all over the world? Will we be promoting a Christian vision to the movement
that struggles against neoliberalism? Or will we, too, be part of the
theology of prosperity for the few so admired by many in the world
About the Translator |
The translator for Cardinal Arns
Lenten series in NCR is Ana Flora. Forty-three years ago this American
then known as Florence Mary Anderson went to Brazil on a
Fulbright Scholarship to do masters work in Brazilian history. She has
lived in her adopted homeland ever since, discovering a vocation to theology. A
former student at the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem, she has been teaching New
Testament studies in Brazil since 1970. She was a close friend of the late
Penny Lernoux, a frequent Latin American contributor to NCR. It was
Penny who introduced her to NCR and its peace and justice
mission. |
National Catholic Reporter, February 28,