story Uncle Sam hustles to keep the ranks filled
Keeping the military ranks filled with able-bodied soldiers is
no easy task. This series takes a look at some of the strategies -- from video
games to, increasingly, money for college -- used to attract young people to
the military. Next week’s installment investigates the growing presence of
military programs and military academies in the public school system.
First in a series
Aralanis Clayton, a senior at Dunbar
Vocational High School on the South Side of Chicago, is a muscular boy with
cinnamon-colored skin and a yes-ma’am/no-ma’am politeness that’s
endearing. His mother’s only son and the middle child of a large family,
he comes across as a sensitive, conscientious kid. In his room, amid the sports
posters and model racing cars are photos of wide-eyed toddlers and preschoolers
-- his nephews, cousins, a godson.
Aralanis wants to be an architect. When he was small, he watched a
lot of Home Gardening TV and taught himself how to draw buildings “just by
“I want to do interior decorating,” he says quietly.
This summer, Aralanis plans to enlist in the Army Reserve.
It’s one of the perverse paradoxes of the boy’s life that his only
perceived path to studying architecture could include a detour through war. He
seems clueless about the troop build-up in the Gulf. His friends told him he
wouldn’t see combat, that he “could do computers or drive a
truck.” But if it comes to that, “Well then, I’ll do what I
gotta do,” Aralanis says.
His mom was in the Army. He always wanted to be in the Army; he
has even worked his way up to lieutenant in his high school’s Junior
Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC). He is hoping to get stationed in
Virginia, near Hampden College where, his cousin said, they have a good
architecture program.
In recent months NCR has taken a look at recruitment and at
the significant time and resources the military now devotes to keeping the
ranks filled with young men and women. The military’s efforts include
extensive advertising campaigns and a growing presence in public school
This year the U.S. military will recruit 330,000 Americans for its
active and reserve units. With the suspension of the draft in 1973, after three
decades of conscription, America returned to relying on an all-volunteer force.
Unlike their Israeli or Greek counterparts, young Americans are not mandated to
give two years of their life to the military. Not for now, at least.
Uncle Sam gets his soldiers another way, through big bucks hustle
and an impressive array of promotional tactics. The promotions arsenal includes
cutting edge television ads; a free computer game with deadly combat in virtual
reality; glossy brochures prominently displayed in every high school guidance
counselor’s office in the country; recruiting ships; recruiting
16-wheelers; recruiting vans; recruiting stations tucked in the corners of
America’s inner cities. All of that is backed up by a cadre of recruiters,
15,000 at last count, who pound the pavement, make phone calls, staff tables in
malls, go into high schools and make more phone calls in order to pitch a job
that offers enticing perks and, although this is rarely mentioned, a chance to
kill or be killed.
Judging from the numbers, the sales pitches have been successful.
With the exception of a drop in enlistments in 1998-99, all four branches of
the armed forces have met or exceeded their recruitment quota since 1980,
according to Major Brenda Long, director of Accession Policy.
This year the defense department allocated $2.7 billion for
recruitment, a pittance relative to the Pentagon’s overall budget of $312
billion. But per capita spending on recruitment has increased by one half in
the past decade. In 2003, the military will spend $13,000 to get a kid all the
way to boot camp -- one and a half times the amount the Chicago Public School
Systems spent last year to educate a child.
Even with those resources, persuading someone to sign up
isn’t easy. Sgt. Chris Lebanon, an army recruiter from 1989-91, described
getting enlistments as “one of the toughest jobs” she had in the
“I was calling kids. I was beating down doors. If you
don’t make your quotas, you put in longer hours,” she said. According
to Lebanon, Army recruiters have one of the highest divorce rates after the
Rangers and Special Forces.
“Some people find it hard to sell the military,” said
Sgt. First Class Eric White, a former army recruiter for 10 years and now an
instructor for JROTC at Carver Military Academy in Chicago. “It’s not
a commodity. It’s not like buying a car. It’s nothing you can
actually see or taste. It’s a dream. It’s a vision you got to
And the vision comes in many different packages.
Recruiting literature presents the military as the optimum choice
for career development, even self-development. Promotional literature for the
Navy advertises “career opportunities that will take you as far as you
want to go -- and get you there faster.”
Each branch offers a variety of enlistment options, many designed
to accommodate the academic situation of potential recruits. The Delayed Entry
Program allows a person to enlist immediately but delay reporting for duty up
to one year and is commonly used among high school students. Most branches of
the armed services have negotiated arrangements with colleges and universities
to grant credit for military training, defer enrollment or offer courses to the
enlisted. The Army Recruiting Command reports that there are more than 1,500
colleges willing to defer enrollment of active duty soldiers and reservists
until they complete initial enlistment requirements. The military’s ROTC
program offers full scholarships to the eligible who want college first and
then enlistment, while the Montgomery GI Bill provides partial scholarships for
those going to college after their time in the service.
The military/college liaison provides one of the most persuasive
incentives for enlistment and supports the defense department’s
longstanding goal to elevate the skill level of the armed forces. Constantly
comparing itself to the civilian sector, the defense department views college
as a competitor for the pool of available youth. This year, the military plans
to increase the amount of scholarship available to recruits.
Most branches of the armed services have a College Fund, tuition
assistance offered as an added incentive for recruits who enlist in
hard-to-fill Military Operational Services. In the Army, a soldier who signs up
for the infantry, Special Forces or combat engineering would qualify for the
In addition, any veteran with an honorable discharge can apply for
GI benefits to defray college costs. The amount given applicants is contingent
upon time served. For example, a soldier with two years of active duty receives
monthly installments of $732 for 36 academic months. Those with three to six
years of military service receive up to $900 a month.
Through a combination of College Fund and GI benefits, the
military can provide a maximum of $50,000 in tuition assistance.
Because many entering the Army already have a college education,
the Army is now offering student loan repayment as an incentive, according to
spokesman Lt. Col. Ryan Yantis. The Army offers $65,000 toward student loans to
those who enlist for three years in active duty. Yantis described the
arrangement as the military’s payback for the benefits of acquiring a
soldier already trained in a specific field.
In 2000, the Army launched Partnership for Youth Success (PaYS) a
program in which dozens of U.S. companies and nonprofit organizations offer
preferential hiring to soldiers who serve two to four years then join the job
market. Initiated during a time of low unemployment and low enlistment -- in
1999 the Army missed its recruiting quota for active duty by 6,300 --
PaYS was designed to undercut competition for youth employment between the
military and civilian sector.
“We recognize we can no longer be competing for the same
young people,” Suzanne Carlton, then special assistant to the Army Chief
of Staff told USA Today in June 2000. The newspaper described PaYS as
“an unprecedented alliance between the military and corporations.”
The Army bills it as both a recruiting device and a way to “reconnect
America with the Army.”
As a recruiting device, PaYS has been effective, enticing 13,825
recruits into the Army over the past two and a half years.
Kevin Ramirez, who works for the Central Committee for
Conscientious Objectors, admits the military has been successful in dissuading
young people from considering the context of their career option.
“Contrary to what many people think, a young person who joins
the military isn’t thinking about war, oddly enough,” said Ramirez,
28, coordinator for the committee’s Military Out of Our Schools Program.
“The reason for this is the way they advertise the military. Shooting
guns, things blowing up, bombs dropping. That isn’t in the commercials.
Instead, the benefits of military life are emphasized.”
According to Ramirez, “Job skills training, the opportunity
to travel and money for college are the three pillars that hold up the poverty
draft” whose constituents are low-income, urban youth of color and rural
Established in 1948, the Central Committee for Conscientious
Objectors bills itself as the Consumer Reports for people thinking about
joining the military. The organization maintains a hotline for soldiers who
want out, offers technical assistance to kids deciding to leave the Delayed
Enlistment Program and provides counter-recruitment information for school
communities, confronting JROTC and military access. The committee believes that
if the military is going to call itself all-volunteer, everyone who joins
should be a true volunteer; no one should enlist without deciding that he or
she is willing to fight in a war -- and risk killing and dying without
questioning why.
The organization points to recruiting statistics from Puerto Rico,
where unemployment is twice the national average and annual per capita income
very low, as a “glaring example” of the poverty draft at work. The
committee says that in 1997 and 1998, the number of Army recruits from the
island was 800 and 900, respectively, double the average for the Army’s
240 other recruiting companies.
According to a defense department study two years ago of the armed
services population, neither the poor nor the wealthy are
“well-represented among the backgrounds of new recruits.” Instead,
active and reserve recruits come “primarily from families in the middle
and lower middle socioeconomic strata.”
But statistics from the same study found that minorities,
particularly blacks, are joining the military in disproportionately high
numbers. Minorities represent 29 percent of the general population but account
for 38 percent of all recruits. The Army, the largest branch of the armed
services, is 45 percent minority; 30 percent of enlistees are blacks. While
Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans enlist at a rate below or similar to
their distribution in the general population, blacks are overrepresented,
especially among active duty enlistments. Many of the new entrants are
African-American women. In 2000, they made up 29 percent of all female
Black and Latino youth are a “hot commodity” for the
Pentagon, says Ramirez. He and other observers claim the military has
intensified its efforts in recent years to recruit youth of color.
They point out that in 1999, the Navy hired black filmmaker Spike
Lee, director of “Malcolm X” and “Do the Right Thing,” to
design a television ad. A year later, the Army hired Leo Burnett, a former
multinational advertising agency that was bought out during downsizing last
Burnett’s philosophy of advertising was “People no
longer buy products; they buy lifestyles” and its clients included
McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Nintendo. The Army’s contract with the
advertising firm came after a drop in enlistments and at a time when the
military wanted to make its recruiting messages more contemporary. Burnett
developed the “dog tag” ads, featuring real soldiers rather than
actors, and changed the Army’s slogan of 20 years, “Be All that You
Can Be,” to “An Army of One.”
Burnett also subcontracted with two public relations firms
specializing in marketing products to Hispanics and blacks respectively --
Cartel Creative, advertisers for JCPenney and the Girl Scouts, and Images
USA. Images USA no longer contracts with the Army but the venture was
successful while it lasted. During summer 2001 the firm’s promotional
tactics garnered 5,000 “leads” -- cards filled out by young people
who want to know more about enlistment.
Last fall, the Army launched a recruiting tool, appealing to youth
of all colors -- “America’s Army: Operations,” a
made-by-the-military computer combat game. Players are required to do things
the “Army way” and go through basic training and offline missions
before engaging in battles between the U.S. Army and a generic opposing force,
garbed in ski masks or other clothing that mark them as terrorists. The
instruction in marksmanship is unusually realistic, and sharpshooters can
advance to sniper training. One scene of battle is an Alaskan pipeline pump
In his review for online magazine PC Games, writer Scott
Osborne describes “America’s Army: Operations” as “one of
the most ironic games ever. More than a few American politicians have bolstered
their careers by condemning violence in popular entertainment, particularly in
video games. Now the U.S. government, by way of the Army, has produced a
computer game that’s all about realistic, deadly combat.”
With links to the Army Web site, the game is free and can be
easily downloaded; a complimentary CD version was tucked into the November 2002
issue of PC Gamer, a popular magazine that reviews the latest computer
But not everyone can play. The game’s licensing agreement
warns that “America’s Army” cannot be downloaded or exported to
anyone from a country under U.S. embargo, including nationals or residents of
Cuba, Haiti, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, North Korea, Iran and Syria.
Counter-recruiters say that over the past two decades, the
military has successfully inserted itself into American society to reclaim the
positive status it had before Vietnam. They say that Hollywood’s
pro-military films such as “Black Hawk Down,” “Collateral
Damage” and “Hart’s War” and the new reality TV series
“Military Diaries” are ultimately recruitment ads in large format,
trivializing war and the day-to-day reality of military.
“Since the draft ended the military began to be a lot more
strategic and intelligent about becoming more invasive into civilian
institutions,” says Rick Jahnkow, founder of the Committee Opposed to
Militarism and the Draft. Nowhere is that well-cultivated intrusion more
evident, Jahnkow believes, than in the public school system.
Claire Schaeffer-Duffy is a freelance writer and member of the
Worcester, Mass., St. Therese Catholic Worker Community, which believes in
pursuing nonviolent solutions to conflict.
National Catholic Reporter, March 21,