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Paths to Peace

Peace literature, from Ackerman to Zinn

The literature of peace is vast. Every home should have a peace library. Every person should be reading a peace book. The following is a sampling of the literature. The list is well short of comprehensive, and represents only a small percentage of what’s been written.

Ackerman, Peter and Jack Duvall, A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000

Adams, Judith Porter, Peacework: Oral Histories of Women Peace Activists, Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1990

Alonso, Harriet Hyman, Charles Chatfield and Louis Kriesberg, editors, Peace as a Women’s Issue: A History of the U.S. Movement for World Peace and Women’s Rights, Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1993

Altman, Nathaniel, The Nonviolent Revolution: A Comprehensive Guide to Ahimsa -- the Philosophy of Dynamic Harmlessness, Dorset, Great Britain: Element Books Limited, 1998

Berrigan, Daniel, To Dwell in Peace: An Autobiography, San Francisco: Harper and Row Publishers, 1987

Chatfield, Charles, editor, Peace Movements in America, New York: Schocken Books, 1973

Coles, Robert, The Moral Intelligence of Children, New York: Penguin Putnam Inc., 1998

Cornell, Thomas C., Robert Ellsberg and Jim Forest, editors, A Penny a Copy: Readings from the Catholic Worker, Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1995

Dear, John, S.J., The Sacrament of Civil Disobedience, Baltimore: Fortkamp Publishing Co., 1994

Dellinger, David, Revolutionary Nonviolence: Essays, Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, Doubleday & Company Inc., 1971

Diamond, Louise, The Peace Book: 108 Simple Ways to Create a More Peaceful World, Berkeley, Calif.: Conari Press, 2001

Douglass, James W. The Non-Violent Cross: The Theology of Revolution and Peace, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1969

Drew, Naomi, Peaceful Parents, Peaceful Kids: Practical Ways to Create a Calm and Happy Home, New York: Kensington Books, 2000

Gara, Larry and Lenna Mae Gara, A Few Small Candles: War Resisters of World War II Tell Their Stories, Kent, Ohio: The Kent State University Press, 1999

Hallock, Daniel, Hell, Healing and Resistance: Veterans Speak, Farmington, Pa.: The Plough Publishing House of the Bruderhof Foundation, 1998

Harris, Ian M. Peace Education, Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland and Co. Inc., Publishers, 1998

Hentoff, Nat, Peace Agitator: The Story of A.J. Muste, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1963

Holmes, Robert L., Nonviolence in Theory and Practice, Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1990

Krieger, David and Frank Kelly, Waging Peace II: Vision and Hope for the 21st Century: An Anthology of Essays, Chicago: The Noble Press Inc., 1992

Laffin, Arthur J. and Anne Montgomery, editors, Swords into Plowshares: Nonviolent Direct Action for Disarmament, Peace, Social Justice, Marion, S.D.: Fortkamp Publishing, 1996

Lantieri, Linda and Janet Patti, Waging Peace in Our Schools, Boston: Beacon Press, 1996

Lynd, Staughton and Alice Lynd, Nonviolence in America: A Documentary History, Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1995

Mananzan, Mary John, Mercy Amba Oduyoye, Elsa Tamez, J. Shannon Clarkson, Mary C. Grey and Letty M. Russell, editors, Women Resisting Violence: Spirituality for Life, Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1996

McSorley, Richard T., S.J., My Path to Peace and Justice: An Autobiography. Marion, S.D.: Fortkamp Publishing, 1996

Merton, Thomas, editor, Gandhi on Nonviolence: A Selection from the Writings of Mahatma Gandhi, New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1964

Merton, Thomas, The Nonviolent Alternative, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1980

Moorehead, Caroline, Troublesome People: The Warriors of Pacifism, Bethesda, Md.: Adler & Adler Publishers Inc., 1987

Nagler, Michael N., The Search for a Nonviolent Future, Berkeley, Calif.: Berkeley Hills Books, 2001

Nolt, John, Down to Earth: Toward a Philosophy of Nonviolent Living, Washburn, Tenn.: Earth Knows Publications, 1995

O’Gorman, Angie, The Universe Bends Toward Justice: A Reader on Christian Nonviolence in the U.S., Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1990

Powers, Roger S. and William Vogel, editors, Protest, Power and Change: An Encyclopedia of Nonviolent Action from ACT-UP to Women’s Suffrage, New York: Garland Publishing Co., 1997

Seeley, Robert, The Handbook of Nonviolence: An Encyclopedia of Pacifism, Westport, Conn.: Lawrence Hill & Co., 1986

Shannon, William H., Seeds of Peace: Contemplation and Non-Violence, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Co., 1996

Sharp, Gene, The Dynamics of Nonviolent Action: Part Three, Boston: Porter Sargent Publishers, 1973

True, Michael, An Energy Field More Intense Than War: The Nonviolent Tradition and American Literature, Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1995

Vanderhaar, Gerald A., Active Non-Violence: A Way of Personal Peace, Mystic, Conn.: Twenty-Third Publications, 1990

Zinn, Howard, Declarations of Independence: Cross-examining American Ideology, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1990

National Catholic Reporter, April 26, 2002