Liturgical language struggle takes turn to
In a potentially decisive turn in the long-running struggle over
translation of liturgical texts into English, new leadership that is more
congenial to the traditionalist approach demanded by Rome has been installed
for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy.
At a July 29-Aug. 1 meeting in Ottawa, Canada, bishops from
English-speaking conferences who govern the commission, also known as ICEL,
named the coadjutor bishop of Leeds in England, Arthur Roche, to replace
Scottish Bishop Maurice Taylor as their chair. They also tapped Fr. Bruce
Harbert, a former Anglican with a background in patristics, medieval languages
and English, to replace John Page as executive secretary.
Over the years, Harbert has voiced some criticisms of the
commission, suggesting he may be closer to the line of the Vatican’s
Congregation for Divine Worship. An English priest of the Birmingham diocese,
Harbert will move to Washington and take over Sept. 9.
ICEL has been known for a flexible approach that allows
translators some freedom to alter the structure, sequence and exact wording of
texts in order to render them accessible in contemporary English. The
commission has stressed, however, that the aim is to render texts more faithful
to the original meaning rather than less, as well as to make them suitable for
public proclamation in worship settings.
One high-profile alteration justified on these grounds is the
avoidance of the word man when consistent with the meaning of a text,
part of an approach known as “inclusive language.”
Under Chilean Cardinal Jorge Medina Estévez at the
Congregation for Divine Worship, the Vatican has demanded that ICEL stick much
more closely to the Latin originals of liturgical texts. Critics believe some
of the commission’s translations betray hidden agenda such as feminism,
anti-clericalism and a bias against the transcendent.
The Vatican effort to realign the approach to liturgical
translation culminated with the May 2001 document Liturgiam Authenticam.
The goal, according to the text, was to foster a “sacred style” of
liturgical speech distinct from ordinary conversation. A related aim was to
“avoid a wording or style that the Catholic faithful would confuse with
the manner of speech of non-Catholic ecclesial communities or of other
religions.” (The document proved controversial. Critics said it struck at
the heart of Vatican II ecclesiology by centralizing power in the curia and by
insisting that local cultures adopt an essentially Roman style of worship.)
Medina has also demanded greater control over the
commission’s inner workings, including the right to approve staff and
advisers. Since the commission was originally conceived as a joint enterprise
of English-speaking bishops’ conferences, some see the move against it as
part of a centralizing tendency in the pontificate of John Paul II.
The debate at times became exceptionally bitter. Taylor, the
Scottish bishop, who missed the Ottawa meeting because of illness, reflected
some of those hard feelings in a press statement.
“The members of ICEL’s episcopal board have in effect
been judged to be irresponsible in the liturgical texts that they have approved
over the years. The bishops of the English-speaking conferences, voting by
large majorities to approve the vernacular liturgical texts prepared by ICEL,
have been similarly judged. And the labors of all those faithful and dedicated
priests, religious and laypeople who over the years devoted many hours of their
lives to the work of ICEL, have been called into question.
“The impression is given, and indeed is seemingly fostered by
some, that ICEL is a recalcitrant group of people, uncooperative, even
disobedient. This is mistaken and untrue,” Taylor said. “One is
tempted to suspect that, no matter what ICEL does, its work will always be
criticized by some because their minds are made up that the mixed commission is
incorrigible and unworthy of continued existence.”
Taylor then defended Page and the rest of the commission’s
staff in strong terms.
“John Page, Peter Finn, the associate secretary and the other
four members of the ICEL Secretariat staff do not deserve to be pilloried as
they have been. Accusations on grounds of lack of professional integrity are
false. These people deserve well of us, the bishops and all the Catholics in
English-speaking churches whom they have served so well,” Taylor said.
Harbert, the new executive secretary, has sometimes sided with
ICEL critics.
In a 1996 article in New Blackfriars, for example, Harbert
described the commission as “something of a tyranny, which individual
bishops’ conferences are in effect powerless to resist.” He described
its translations of some prayers for the Mass as “unmemorable,”
flawed by a “cuddle-factor” of excessive emphasis on the heart as
opposed to the mind, and revealing a “propensity towards Pelagianism”
by stressing what humans do rather than what God does.
In an Aug. 9 interview with NCR, Harbert called
Liturgiam Authenticam a “courageous document on texts.”
“It’s not easy to write prescriptively on
language,” Harbert said, “but I thought it did so very well. The time
had come when some guidance had to be given.”
Harbert served as a visiting faculty member for the winter quarter
of 2001-2002 at Cardinal Francis George’s liturgical institute at
Mundelein seminary outside Chicago. That institute, led by Msgr. Francis
Mannion, was in part conceived as an alternative to progressive liturgical
approaches associated with some ICEL consultors.
At the same time, Harbert described himself as “not really a
politician,” and said that he believes it is “entirely inappropriate
that the liturgy should be a battlefield.”
He said, for example, that Liturgiam Authenticam “has
not spoken the last word” on the word man -- the use, or avoidance,
of which in many liturgical settings has become symbolic of attitudes toward
wider gender issues in the church. Harbert said the issue would require
“much study,” especially from Hebrew scholars.
Further, Harbert said that much of the commission’s work on
the new Roman Missal, the prayer book for the Mass, is good and should be
maintained. “To start with a clean sheet would be unrealistic,” he
Roche, a former general secretary of the bishops’ conference
of England and Wales, described himself as “honored to have been
elected” in a released statement.
“I am confident that with the appointment of Fr. Bruce
Harbert as its executive secretary, and in a spirit of cooperation, ICEL will
move forward with confidence to translate liturgical texts that will be worthy
of our language and memorable for their nobility,” Roche said.
John L. Allen Jr. is NCR Rome correspondent. His e-mail
address is
National Catholic Reporter, August 30,