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Family Life

A call from God, a way to God

In the lead article within, Kathy Chesto reminds us that God is not a church. God is first a family: Creator, Son and Holy Spirit. “We do not need families to be churches,” she writes, “we need churches to be families. There is only one call to holiness in our church and that is baptism. ”

This is NCR’s first special section devoted to the theme of family life. Chesto, known for her many books and articles about the spirituality of family life, kicks it off, tagging the whole of family spirituality in a nutshell as “being home when God comes.” Melissa Nussbaum argues that the Sunday liturgy is not some kind of spiritual logo stamped on family life but rather a key part of the fabric of that life. Our worship is one with the daily errands, arguments, caresses and stresses of family living.

Mary Cronk Farrell finds the Spirit alive and flourishing in Catholic marriages and families around the country, despite the many challenges our consumer culture throws in the way. Susan Vogt suggests ways we can help nurture the desire to be of service in our children. Ed Farrell describes family retreats and gives tips on where to find them.

Welcome to the family.

-- Rich Heffern

National Catholic Reporter, November 15, 2002