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 By the Pond: Hidden, fragile, life stirs near pond
 Cover story: Actor uses humor to teach kids about sex, sin and video games
 Cover story: Familyland: a cultural detox and spiritual warfare training center
 Cover story: Regular travel between Rome and remote center
 Editorial: Hard money. Soft money. The rot from within
 Editorial: Join in the church's campaign to rid the world of land mines
 Inside NCR: Pain as tutor: lessons from the floor
 Kris Berggren Column: Catalogs stuff mailbox and vex spirit
 Video: Film captures Day's dark night of the soul
 Books: Traces of ghetto trail Catholics into suburbs
 Despite boycott, ‘Sacred’ draws Catholic applause
 Editorial: A time for congressional compassion to immigrants
 Editorial: World’s top Catholics caught displaying Christian panache
 Homosexual children a ‘gift,’ bishops say
 Inside NCR: There’s no earthly need for plutonium in space
 Pentecost papacy would listen to women
 Sic Column: Roused reader writes ode to Mother Angelica
 Church needs renewed Petrine ministry
 Editorial: Mass in Oakland too critical to shrug off
 Editorial: U.N. convention ties U.S. to affirmative action
 Immigrants uncertain as deadline nears
 Inside NCR: Martyrs are not a thing of the past
 Program builds shared ministry in parishes
 Reaching kids through rock music, Scully’s a new kind of radio priest
 Where ministerial rubber meets the road
 Women candidates transform Irish politics
 Women stake claim to rites
 Cardinals claim rights in hospital dispute
 Economics fuels return of La Violencia
 Editorial: Lott uses free speech as a cheap political ploy
 Heading west for good liturgy
 Inside NCR: Even head Catholic theologian nods
 Stress on papal primacy led to exaggerated clout for a pope among equals
 Thomas C. Fox Column: Welfare: More money sucked up, less seeps down
 Viewpoint: Ratzinger absolutely wrong on relativism
 With López gone, new emphasis on human rights
 Editorial: League attacks mythical TV windmills
 Editorial: Mixed U.S. messages for Latin America
 Inside NCR: Filling the blank pages: things yet worth saying
 Justice issues gone from synod agenda
 League’s dark vision divides Catholics
 Papacy too heavy for one man to carry
 Sic Column: Sic, in surprise move, extracts splendid new hat from the Vat
 St. Louis U. showdown could draw in Vatican
 ‘Renewal and hope’ in Philadelphia
 Books: ‘Warrior Nun’ apt comic for refined NCR tastes
 Books: Boom times for America’s death row
 Books: Images both literary and visual to inspire, disturb
 Council affirmed worth of all religions
 Editorial: Can synod survive Vatican manipulation?
 Inside NCR: Portion of Briggs & Stratton suit dismissed
 Parish turns murder to grace
 Bishops oppose Catholic League on show
 Editorial: Church with room for these knights must have room for nearly everyone
 Inflated papacy is stumbling block to unity
 Inside NCR: NCR welcomes new director of operations
 Knights’ battles of letters polite, bruising
 Editorial: Bishops confront culture on Iraq
 Editorial: Unity and top-down teaching a poor mix
 Inside NCR: Please, give them NCR for Christmas, please
 Quality of life questions await new pope
 Sic Column: Sic’s non-askance glancing gets greedy
 Theology center for women vows survival after losing its home
 NCR December 5, 1997 -- 24-year-old finds unity, hope in demonstration
 NCR December 5, 1997 -- 600 arrested at School of Americas protest
 NCR December 5, 1997 -- A time for NCR to give thanks, for Call to Action to take stock
 NCR December 5, 1997 -- Defensive note struck at opening of synod
 NCR December 5, 1997 -- Editorial: Bishop Clark displays the nature of true authority
 NCR December 5, 1997 -- Editorial: Lay ministry deserves better than new norms
 NCR December 5, 1997 -- Instruction on Lay Collaboration
 NCR December 5, 1997 -- Mahony sees nun’s critique as heresy charge
 NCR December 5, 1997 -- Pope’s view of capitalism troublesome for have-nots
 NCR December 5, 1997 -- Rome issues new limits on lay ministry
 Editorial: Two liturgies match swords with plowshares - Dec. 12, 1997
 Inside NCR: Stoles with panache, poetry with bite - Dec. 12, 1997
 Restoring collegiality new pope’s first task - Dec. 12, 1997
 Role of synod: to listen, to learn, not to decide - Dec. 12, 1997
 Teens offer diverse new agendas - Dec. 12, 1997
 Teens seek more ‘youth-friendly’ liturgies - Dec. 12, 1997
 A synod for a God neutral in history
 Column: NCR impulse palpable in ‘The X-Files’
 Editorial: Contemplative life still stands a chance
 Inculturation defends human, cosmic life
 Inside NCR: Book of Christmas customs, and story of modern arrival
 Karl Rahner’s secret 22-year romance
 Bishop says future of U.S. church is in Spanish language
 Chasm of wealth biggest obstacle to unity
 Editorial: Liturgical police must not deter reform
 Inside NCR: She went the distance to tell a story
 Liturgy watchdog group blasts Mahony
 Thailand: Year’s troubles give reasons to frown in ‘Land of Smiles’