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 A call for prisoner amnesty
 Battle over translation body reflects wider liturgical wars
 Cover story: Message in a Bottle
 EDITORIAL: A century also rich in peacemakers
 Excerpt: In Search of Belief
 Funds that ‘should go to reform’ are building more prisons
 Inside NCR: Awestruck at this cosmic moment
 Kris Berggren column: Picture Jesus not at the right hand but sitting on the lap of his father
 Landowners oppose Ruiz successor
 NCR cover page
 Sic: Sic ponders Noah’s ark, evolution and Mars
 Starting Point: Aloft in search of warmth and peace
 About-face on liturgical language
 Bishop’s transfer protects interests of powerful
 Books: A blueprint for papal reform
 Cover story: St. Francis Academy
 EDITORIAL: Can we save the tiger from Exxon?
 EDITORIAL: Translation dispute reveals revisionists’ agenda
 Inside NCR: Not every word translates into liturgy
 Jeannette Batz column: Aching to share, like the disciples
 Keeping Faith
 Media: Good reasons why Bradley won’t talk religion
 NCR cover page
 Opening doors to Cuba in a baseball game
 Rich world, poor world
 Robert F. Drinan column: The world has judged electrocution as inhumane
 Starting Point: Manhattan memories float in cloister
 Viewpoint: Aquinas on women
 Viewpoint: Getting ready for ties with Beijing
 Analysis: China’s ordinations may be traditional after all
 EDITORIAL: The Cold War is over, send Elián home
 Gypsies face hostility, poverty in Eastern Europe
 INS nervous when Bible study topic is prisons
 Inside NCR: Artist who caught pope’s attention; still looking for the right bottle
 Liberal activists oppose abortion as part of 'seamless' package
 Ministries: A Navajo Catholic explains how the two traditions go together
 Ministries: A prison ministry
 Ministries: Creeping democracy in the U.S. church
 Ministries: Going native
 Ministries: Lion in winter
 Ministries: No ordinary experience
 Ministries: Rump groups do ministry on church steps
 Ministries: The art of recovery
 NCR cover page
 Perspective: New York Times aside, religion makes news
 Spirituality section
 Viewpoint: Passing King’s legacy on through our families
 Viewpoint: Which King will emerge in new memorial?
 Analysis: Battling for the military’s future
 At the Movies: Finding miracles
 Books: Quirky storyteller mixes tales of African-Americans with raw insights
 Cover story: Tabernacle
 EDITORIAL: New, hopeful symbols in Chile and Guatemala
 European reform engine seems to sputter
 Inside NCR: Missing peacemakers, and a truly super miracle
 Joan Chittister column: Questions we didn’t ask will shape the soul of new millennium
 NCR cover page
 New direction on liturgy in Chicago
 Perspective: A good time to help bishops resist careerism
 Polite toward Rome, true to their mission
 Sic: Sic takes aim at mediocrity
 Starting Point: With love, even a hot dog helps
 Surprises follow recent elections in Guatemala
 Viewpoint: A new breed of liberal leaders cutting social services
 Viewpoint: Survivors seek reparation from Israelis
 Activists brave cold to keep the nation’s eyes on Iraq
 Cover story: St. Jude and all the rest
 EDITORIAL: Justice is a grim reaper in Texas
 EDTORIAL: Politics as the art of nearly impossible
 ICEL bishops agree to take more control; still developing new rules
 Inside NCR: George W’s Jesus and Jesus of the People
 Jeannette Batz column: Punishment severe and without mercy
 Just another night on Texas’ death row
 NCR cover page
 Reporting in post-war Balkans
 South African Mass of reconciliation raises new questions for the church
 Spring Books
 Spring Books: Doctrinal murder and mayhem
 Spring Books: Measuring Boomer’s spiritual quest
 Spring Books: New book says we stand on a threshold
 Spring Books: Recovery of the earth: the Great Work of our age
 Spring Books: Revised book on ministry is prophetic, even timelier
 Texas Catholics chip away against the death penalty
 Viewpoint: Retirement hints stir Europe’s media
 Viewpoint: World trade can improve life for all
 Wishing for a way to get horses inside prison walls
 A refugee’s odyssey leads to theological peaks
 Books: A masterly lover of three religions
 Bourgeois takes ‘Close SOA’ message to Rome
 Cover story: What kind of model is Steubenville?
 EDITORIAL: Steubenville merits close scrutiny
 Hispanic Catholics ignored
 Illinois governor imposes death penalty moratorium
 Illuminations: Pastor shocked by poverty builds Appalachian ministry
 Inside NCR: Of news, editorials and waiting for George
 NCR cover page
 Perspective: Casting light on poverty and death in Sudan
 Russians undecided on what should happen to Lenin remains
 Starting Point: The night the drummer boy visited
 Television: Quiz Shows
 Tim Unsworth column: A church without its Romeos is lost
 Viewpoint: On horrors in Iraq, seeing is believing
 Wide variations in ministry to Hispanics
 At the Movies: Charm and Excess
 Books: St. Patrick’s Battalion
 EDITORIAL: Jurors deserve thanks for opposing unjust law
 EDITORIAL: Vatican stance toward Austria needs teeth
 French cardinal challenges Ratzinger
 Inside NCR: Peacemaker’s words still echo from debris of Nagasaki
 NCR cover page
 Priest resists anti-immigrant push
 Religious Life: A future for the Jesuits
 Religious Life: A woman religious stands at Mount Nebo
 Religious Life: An action plan for justice
 Religious Life: Another woman religious breaks camp
 Religious Life: Communities must welcome the disabled
 Religious Life: Mercys at a glance
 Religious Life: Mercys choose Chin to lead
 Religious Life: New Mercys for a new era
 Religious Life: The Art of Mercy takes many forms
 Robert F. Drinan column: Prison system unjust, unworkable
 Rosemary Radford Ruether column: A mature religion fosters self-critique
 Special Report: ‘Seeds of the word’ in Chiapas
 Special Section: Religious Life
 Uproar in Austria, wait-and-see in Rome
 ‘Humane’ archbishop for Westminster
 Cover story: Beneath the gentility, a harsh, hidden past
 EDITORIAL: It’s time for a U.S. truth commission
 In wake of Ex Corde theologians ponder options
 Inside NCR: When it comes to saints, how do you spot the right stuff?
 Jeannette Batz column: Christians need a sense of play for than vigilance
 Movies: Filmmaker’s realism suggested the spiritual
 NCR cover page
 Perspective: Dreaming of an Asian option in the conclave
 Protests swell against sanctions
 Re-ordination an option for secret Czech priests
 Robert F. Drinan column: Progress on children, but U.S. needs to act
 Sic: Sic launches yet another contest
 Special Report: Depleted uranium -- made in USA
 Viewpoint: Authoritarian impulse tarnishes Abrahamic creeds
 Books: Two visions, one meaningful Jesus
 Cover story: Levada: suprised by a financial ‘nightmare’
 Cover story: Santa Rosa’s year of trial
 Cover story: Sr. Jane Kelly: She broke rules of the clerical club
 EDITORAL: Sobering global health report
 EDITORIAL: Santa Rosa: another warning for real reform
 In Appreciation: A marvelous exponent of the living tradittion
 Inside NCR: Summer Listings only the icing in most optimistic of all worlds
 Jesus 2000 images stir reflections in retreats, parishes, colleges
 Keeping Faith
 NCR cover page
 South African bishops to fight AIDS silence
 Tim Unsworth column: A lonely prophet falls in Chicago
 Venezuela after the flood
 Viewpoint: Catholics should reject anti-gay ballot measure
 Books: A death shared by mother, daughter
 By the pond: Seattle was an end, and a beginning
 Cover story: Urban contemplatives open to the world
 EDITORIAL: Conversation starter: keeping Vatican II alive
 EDITORIAL: Save the whales, don’t buy Mitsubishi
 Inside NCR: Jesuits grace NCR; Ruiz and MacEoin go global
 Lent: We love forgiveness, but are we so eager for a good conscience
 Media: Campaign trail
 NCR cover page
 Outraged and insulted
 Pope in Egypt stresses dialogue
 Protest camps grow on Vieques
 Santa Rosa Catholics speak on ‘crisis, not a crisis of faith’
 Some alarm, some praise for Weakland letter
 Viewpoint: Americans confused about ethics
 Viewpoint: Welfare-to-work policy needs work
 Weakland predicts his successor will push uniformity
 Workers struggle in El Salvador
 Analysis: Holy Land poses challenge to pope
 Bishop shuts down women’s series
 Books: Romero’s transformation still fascinates
 Cover story: Prison Creations
 EDITORIAL: The McCain phenomenon offered us a hint of a better way
 EDITORIAL: Try conversation rather than condemnation
 Events, new books recount Romero’s life
 Ex-chaplain, storyteller a victim in Burger King
 Good Friday’s can of worms
 Inside NCR: Redeeming power of art: the view from prison
 Lent: Humans don’t like confusion, but God waits for us in the mess
 NCR cover page
 Robert F. Drinan column: When will the American conscience demand justice for Vietnam?
 Scholars say religious institutions ignore growing ‘Latino reality’
 Sic: How to have infallibility without a pope
 Viewpoint: Hope scarce on death row
 Viewpoint: Psychology and theology need each other
 ‘Anti-clerical’ weekly debuts
 10 years later, Thea Bowman still inspires
 Asking pardon worldwide
 At the movies: Film Teachers
 Books: Mission as dialogue means both sides teach, both learn
 Catholic Education: Good teachers are specialists in opening small packages
 Catholic Education: Learning the fine art of letting them go
 Catholic Education: Quiet revolution in school finance
 Catholic Education: Sooner or later, voucher programs will face scrutiny
 Commentary: Papal apology a first step
 Courageous editor who took on clergy sex abuse story dead at 46
 Cover story: A voice for the poor in D.C.
 Cover story: Get out of the way
 EDITORIAL: Haitian refugees deserve a measure of fairness
 EDITORIAL: What do we want for all the children?
 Fired CIA official to receive career medal
 Illuminations: ‘Our homilies are all around us’
 Inside NCR: Making the world fit for our children
 Jeannette Batz column: Seeking the right time in a world swimming in stopwatches
 Lent: Beware those Commandments
 NCR cover page
 Special section: Catholic Education
 Viewpoint: Caught up in a conspiracy of hope
 Dressing the wounds as bitter hatreds persists
 EDITORIAL: Apology a good break from business as usual
 EDITORIAL: Community itself at stake if priesthood problems ignored
 Inside NCR: Priests are not passé, so we’d better care
 Journalists quit in protest of newspapers’ policies
 Lent: Both the rascals and the prophets can be the voice of God
 Liturgy czar a Pinochet ally, foe of liberation theology
 NCR cover page
 PRIESTS: Painful, purifying dark night
 PRIESTS: Perilous choice to ignore AIDS issue
 PRIESTS: Saving Fr. Ryan: understanding the good priest
 Rosemary Radford Ruether column: Thought control extends its reach in Lincoln
 Sic: Mediocrity hits a home run
 Special Report: PRIESTS
 Viewpoint: A strong leader, a holy man
 Visiting the village ereased from all but a family’s memory