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April 21, 2000 cover story:

From the sixth hour till the ninth hour, there was darkness over all the earth (Matthew 27:45)

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Summer Listings II

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Priests and AIDS
Reading the Kansas City Star articles on Priests & AIDS? See what NCR wrote in 1997.

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New pictures have been posted. Take a look.
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To the right are some of the stories in this week's issue. For general information about the NCR newsweekly, click on "About NCR" or see our frequently asked questions page, FAQ.

If this week's stories fail to convince you to subscribe, please come again next week; we know the paper speaks for itself. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at Also, letters to the editor should be directed to

Don't miss these great stories from the past:

Student activists target SOA

Special section: Ratzinger

Graph from April 23rd issue NCR: “Giving as a Percentage of Income”

Pastors need a lawyer at their side

IRAQ: Killing it softly with sanctions

Imagining intervention without violence

Guatemala: Truth Commission Report

Does violent media make violent kids?

Jubilee 2000: Unchaining slaves of national debt

A dramatic step toward reform

The body of Christ torn asunder

Milwaukee’s experiment

Y2K: Preparing for the worst

Welfare to work



The links below will take you to this weeks stories:

linked button Holy Week: Two thousand years later, where have all the disciples gone?

linked button Inside NCR: Artist looks at passion through the dark

linked button Lent: Whatever happens, we can be at peace

linked button Waste not, want not

linked button Quebec bishops praise autonomy, democracy

linked button Ex-soldiers tell of 1982 massacre in Guatemala

linked button POETRY

linked button Essay: Notre Dame’s neo-classicists yearn to build grand old churches

linked button Books: Abbey insights linked to life

linked button Illuminations: Sister hosts talk radio show

linked button Demetria Martinez column: Violence against women -- a cause for pro-life activists

linked button Sic: Flirting with a continuum and other balderdash

linked button Viewpoint: Editor takes aim at Sipe, Star

linked button EDITORIAL: Guatemalan probe could use U.S. boost

linked button Perspective: Rise and fall of a perfectly good Passion play

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