Viewpoint Bishops new worry: the
The U.S. bishops have received a
memorandum from the U.S. bishops Secretariat for Doctrine and Pastoral
Practices about a new theological threat. This time it is not a person, nor
even a doctrine. It is the enneagram.
Dominican Fr. Augustine DiNoia sent out a memorandum in July
containing a draft report -- prepared at the request of the Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith -- fretting about the suitability of using this
personality typing system within a Christian context. Bishops should be
concerned, DeNoia said, because the enneagram is popular and because it has its
origins in a non-Christian worldview.
The enneagram, a Greek word meaning nine points, is a personality
typology that describes in some detail nine personalities. It is a description
of nine inner energies and motivations, a sort of map of our inner
Each personality style has a central feature that is called either
a passion or a sin, and what interests Catholics in particular is that seven of
the nine enneagram passions or sins coincide exactly with the traditional
capital sins named by the scholastic theologians (and the fathers of the church
before them). Catholics know the capital seven as anger, pride, envy, avarice,
gluttony, lust and sloth. The enneagram adds two sins: fear and deceit.
Everybody has some of each sin but one dominant one.
With this kind of religious juice, the enneagram creates a great
deal of interest. The books and tape sets available number in the dozens,
teachers in the hundreds and book sales in the millions. If the bishops decide
to warn us, it will not be a warning of a coming crash. It will be more like
asking us to get the license number of what ran over us.
The popularity of the enneagram must pose a problem for those who
are concerned about its suitability as a tool for personal development. Sr.
Suzanne Zuercher, a learned Benedictine, is teaching it for spiritual
direction. So is Sr. Maria Beesing, a Dominican like Di Noia. Fr. Richard Rohr,
a Franciscan, teaches it, along with countless Jesuits who often integrate it
with the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. I have personally taught it to
Catholic and Protestant clergy, in Catholic and Protestant seminaries.
Ive taught it to priests, sisters, deacons and laity around the country.
Never have I heard a complaint that the enneagram posed any problem for their
So if the Benedictines, the Dominicans, the Franciscans, the
Jesuits, clergy and thousands of pious laity have profited from this study, who
is it that is worrying the bishops about the suitability? Why has this specter
crept into the house of faith unnoticed by all of the above?
The bishops document contains the answer. The bishops are
out of date.
The memorandum recalls an old (and embarrassing if caught)
undergraduate technique for writing term papers. The ploy is to find one
source, borrow freely, repeat the arguments, purloin the footnotes, claim them
as your own and presto! You have a term paper, or in this case a
As I read this memorandum, that old déjà moo feeling
came over me. (déjà moo: Ive heard this bull before).
Something about this constellation of concerns was familiar. I was struck by
the fact that all but one or two of the bishops sources were more than 15
years old. Veteran teachers notice flags like that. Thats especially
alarming because most of the research and teaching of the enneagram has been
done in the last 15 years, following the publication of the first book in
Then it hit me. The secretariat bases its memo to the bishops on a
single source: Mitch Pacwa. About 15 or so years ago, Pacwa wrote an article
for the Catholic Charismatic in which he ranted apocalyptically about
the dangers of the enneagram.
The memo mirrors Pacwas concerns. It even contains the same
footnotes. Congruence of concerns and footnotes this tight would get most
undergraduates flunked in fine Catholic colleges (or even prep high
Pacwa and the memo to bishops are concerned with links between two
spiritual teachers with an affinity for esoteric ideas: George Gurdjieff (whom
most enneagram teachers ignore because he never uses the term and certainly
didnt know the personalities) and Oscar Ichazo (who learned about the
enneagram from somewhere and gives preposterous answers about where). The
bishops doctrinal advisers also argue that the enneagram depends on
The concern about numerology is strange in a church that believes
in a 40-year trip through the desert by the Israelites, a 40-day rain on Noah,
a 40-day fast by Elias and then Jesus, and celebrates a 40-day Lent. If these
arent symbolic numbers, well have to throw away that imprimatured
research monument, the Jerome Biblical Commentary.
Pacwa and the bishops memorandum ignore the writings,
workshops, retreats and allied experiences of enneagram teachers for the last
15 years. They dont mention contemporary enneagram experts such as Jerome
Wagner, Thomas Condon, Don Riso, Russ Hudson, Suzanne Zuercher, Anne Linden,
Theodorre Donson, Kathy Hurley, Rosaleen OSullivan, James Empereur or
Margaret Keyes, all of whom are professionally trained in psychology or
theology or both.
When critics such as Pacwa say the enneagram lacks a scientific
foundation, perhaps it is because they havent looked at any of the social
science sources. They dont quote any people schooled in human personality
When hundreds of teachers, thousands of students and millions of
readers use the enneagram with spiritual profit, why would you devote your
whole morandum to the ideas of one man? That is terrible science and worse
The bishops begin on Page One by saying that the non-Christian
origins of the enneagram do not preclude the possibility that Christians
might find in it truths that can be appropriated within a Christian
worldview. Then they spend 13 pages repeating Pacwas documentation
of origins they have asserted arent all that important.
I cant resist pointing out that St. Thomas Aquinas was
condemned for these same concerns. He used that pagan Aristotle. So I suppose
you could say the bishops would have precedent for this.
When the memorandum explains the enneagram, it is seriously wrong
and wrong in precisely the areas Pacwa is wrong. It asserts unsubstantiated
claims of when an enneagram style develops and refers to discarded theories. It
says that enneagram teachers explain why people tend to act in particular ways.
But good teachers emphasize that an enneagram style deals with motivation, not
The memo says that teachers can prescribe goals for adjustment and
development. However, the enneagram is a personality typology, a diagnostic
tool. Many teachers offer suggestions for development. I do. But we dont
get them from the enneagram. We get them from other sources like scripture, our
tradition and contemporary psychology.
It looks as though the bishops are getting all their information
from one angry man whose research is 15 years old. The memo ignores the
experience, work and opinions of Catholic and other Christian authors, clergy
and laity. It warns against a system it does not understand on grounds it
admits up front are not valid.
Faced with this kind of intellectual breadth, ecclesial
consultation and academic rigor, one can understand the terror of our Catholic
university teachers at the thought of episcopal oversight.
The enneagram in
brief |
The enneagram is a system for self-understanding and
for understanding the motivations and behavior of others. The following are
brief descriptions of the nine personality styles of the enneagram. Labels for
each of the types (in parentheses) are taken from The Enneagram Made Easy
by Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele (Harper San Francisco,
1994). |
Type One (The Perfectionist) is
preoccupied with a set of standards or rules agains which this type measures
himself or herself and the world. The Ones dominant sin is
anger. Type Two (The Helper) seeks to gain
love and approval by giving to others. The Twos dominant sin is
pride. Type Three (The Achiever) seeks to
be successful in the worlds eyes. The Threes dominant sin is
deceit. Type Four (The Romantic) wishes to
be seen as unique, and lives in imagination and feelings. The Fours
dominant sin is envy. Type Five (The
Observer) seeks to avoid intrusions upon his or her privacy and to collect
knowledge. The Fives dominant sin is avarice. |
Type Six (The Questioner) views
the world as a dangerous place and seeks to keep safe from that danger. The
Sixs dominant sin is fear. Type Seven
(The Adventurer) seeks to avoid pain by pursuing new experiences and future
possibilities. The Sevens dominant sin is gluttony. Type Eight (The Asserter) desires to feel powerful and
dominate the environment. The Eights dominant sin is
lust. Type Nine (The Peacemaker) seeks
harmony, peace and union with others. The Nines dominant sin is sloth.
The draft of A Brief Report on the Origins of the
Enneagram from the U.S. bishops Secretariat for Doctrine and
Pastoral Practices can be found on NCRs Web site at
Clarence Thomson has a masters degree in theology and is
the author of several enneagram books. His work on the enneagram can be seen on
the Internet at
National Catholic Reporter, October 27,