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January 12, 2001 Cover story:

An isolated country, a savage regime
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Coverage of The Schools of the Americas Watch begins on November 18, 2000

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To the right are some of the stories in this week's issue. For general information about the NCR newsweekly, click on "About NCR" or see our frequently asked questions page, FAQ.

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Don't miss these great stories from the past:

Interfaith Monologue

American Catholics

Passing it on

Crusading for Children



Up from slavery

The Priesthood: Homosexuality, AIDS, and the Good Priest

Hostile Takeover

Two Religious Banned from Ministry and Speaking



The links below will take you to this week’s stories:

linked button Cover story: Burma

linked button Cover story: Burma’s military vigilant in power

linked button Inside NCR

linked button Starting Point: A moment, long ago, of purest love

linked button Prayer, Protest

linked button Gays note barriers in Rome

linked button The Jubilee’s Lighter Side

linked button Down and out in Hollywood

linked button Bookshelf: Christian life

linked button Television: ‘Enemies of War’

linked button Tim Unsworth column: Death row inspiration

linked button Kris Berggren column: Image of the Holocaust a statement about faith

linked button Viewpoint: Far removed from ideal of shared citizenship

linked button Viewpoint: Nothing left to lose

linked button EDITORIAL: Banner of bipartisanship begins to fray

linked button Perspective: She’s a Benedictine, Bible-based feminist

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