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August 16, 2002 Cover story:

Road Warrior
23 years, 763,799 miles, 992 cities:
Assessing the era of papal spectacle

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Paths to Peace
Special Section: Paths to Peace
Blueprint Vatican III
Click here.

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Crisis in the Church - Clergy Sex Abuse

NCR in the News

Bishop Gumbleton addresses the
Crisis in the Church

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Essays in Theology Archives
By Fr. Richard McBrien
This feature is updated weekly.

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The Word From Rome
By John L. Allen, Jr.
NCR's Vatican Correspondent

This feature is updated weekly.

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The Peace Pulpit
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton
This feature is updated weekly.

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To the right are some of the stories in this week's issue. For general information about the NCR newsweekly, click on "About NCR" or see our frequently asked questions page, FAQ.

If this week's stories fail to convince you to subscribe, please come again next week; we know the paper speaks for itself. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at Also, letters to the editor should be directed to

Don't miss these great stories from the past:

Interfaith Monologue

American Catholics

Passing it on

Crusading for Children



Up from slavery

The Priesthood: Homosexuality, AIDS, and the Good Priest

Hostile Takeover

Two Religious Banned from Ministry and Speaking


We are in our summer schedule. There will not be an issue next week.

The links below will take you to this week’s stories:

linked button Cover story: 23-year odyssey

linked button Cover story: Pope stresses solidarity with indigenous

linked button Inside NCR

linked button Church in Crisis: African bishops call of oversight of nuns’ formation

linked button Church in Crisis: Virginia bishop under fire for reinstating accused priest

linked button Church in Crisis: Group of bishops call for U.S. plenary council

linked button Church in Crisis: Web site sheds light on media fascination with abuse crisis

linked button Church in Crisis: Expert says abuse policy should extend to bishops

linked button Church in Crisis: Bishops in Dallas: A remake of Frankenstein

linked button Church in Crisis: Religious orders take different view of abuse policy

linked button Paths to Peace: Pax Chrisit urges civil disobedience if U.S. escalates war on Iraq

linked button Paths to Peace: Young peace activist finds familiar face in marginalized people

linked button Essay: Realistic hope as we struggle with vulnerability, lost trust

linked button Mom joins the convent; grown sons cope

linked button POETRY

linked button Television: Saving TV news

linked button Books: What binds Catholics, from the alienated to the devout

linked button Robert F. Drinan column: Florida verdict raises issue of U.S. guilt

linked button Diana L. Hayes: Black Catholics see need to meet, be heard

linked button Viewpoint: From censure, uncertainty

linked button Viewpoint: Sharon adds fuel to fire of his military solution

linked button EDITORIAL: A shaky premise for waging new war

linked button EDITORIAL: Cities that pay a living wage find it works

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